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NodeRed Dashboard 삭제 방법

노드레드 dashboard 설치 후 삭제 시 팔렛트에 uninstall 버튼이 없음....

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Dashboard missing after update

Oh dear, so I have just updated the node-red-dashboad node (I only wanted a GUI spacer !!?!) from the palette manager and all the GUI nodes are now missing from the palette after a few restarts, and the designer is not happy: I cant remove it from the pale



  1. cmd 창을 연다 (윈도우키 + r 한 후 cmd)
  2. 노드레드 설치 폴더로 이동  (#cd C:\users\userName\.node-red)
  3. #npm uninstall node-red-dashboard
  4. 노드레드 재시작



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